Latitude 64 Havoc

The Latitude 64 Havoc is a distance driver designed to give you maximum distance on the disc golf course. With flight characteristics of 13 in speed, 5 in glide, -1 in turn, and 3 in fade, the Havoc is built for speed and power. It maintains its velocity throughout the flight, allowing advanced and professional players to achieve impressive distances with accuracy. The reliable and consistent flight of the Havoc makes it a trusted choice for long drives. Take your distance game to the next level with the Havoc. Check out our selection of the Latitude 64 Havoc and find the perfect one for you.

Flight numbers

Speed 13, Glide 5, Turn -1, Fade 3

Disc type

Distance driver

Skill level

Intermediate, Advanced

Disc diameter

21.1 cm

Rim width

2.3 cm

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