Latitude 64 Gladiator

The Latitude 64 Gladiator is a high-speed driver that delivers exceptional distance and glide. Designed with input from disc golf professionals, this disc is built to maximize your throws and help you reach new distances on the course. With flight numbers of 13 for speed, 5 for glide, 0 for turn, and 3.5 for fade, the Gladiator strikes a perfect balance between speed, distance, and stability. Its overstability ensures a reliable flight path even in challenging wind conditions, making it an excellent choice for drivers. Whether you're a professional player or an aspiring one, the Gladiator is a disc that will elevate your game to new heights. Explore our selection of the Latitude 64 Gladiator discs to find the perfect fit for your bag.

Flight numbers

Speed 13, Glide 5, Turn 0, Fade 3.5

Disc type

Distance driver

Skill level

Intermediate, Advanced

Disc diameter

21.1 cm

Rim width

2.3 cm

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