Dynamic Discs Raider

The Dynamic Discs Raider is a versatile driver that is suitable for players of all skill levels. It falls between the stability of the Trespass and Enforcer discs, offering a reliable and overstable flight. What sets the Raider apart is its unique ability to finish forward instead of diving at the end of the flight, providing increased distance for players with slower arm speeds. Players with faster arm speeds will appreciate the Raider as a workhorse driver that can be relied upon for a variety of shots. Experience the power and control of the Dynamic Discs Raider by exploring our selection below.

Flight numbers

Speed 13, Glide 5, Turn -0.5, Fade 3

Disc type

Distance driver

Skill level

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Disc diameter

21.2 cm

Rim width

2.3 cm

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