Custom & Limited

Custom graphics and limited edition stamps from nearly every disc golf brand we carry. Most are recent releases, having hit the market in the last 4-5 years and (due to the higher value of these discs) we show a photo of most every variation so you can be confident in what you'll receive. Check each product's options to see the different colors, foils and weights available, when applicable.

Stock golf discs work great, but it's just more fun to have a cool custom graphic on the top (like Star Wars golf discs, for instance). This section features special edition designs and limited artwork typically available for just a brief time. Often they commemorate an event or a top pro player's milestone accomplishment. Other times they just have killer special edition graphic. You'll also find first run / prototypes, holiday themes, and recent Wright Life event discs here. Our supply of these is limited to what is shown here as they usually cannot be reordered. For older stuff be sure to check the Classic Golf Discs section.

Tip: Narrow down the selection you see here using the product filters; they allow you to focus on brand, flight characteristics, price or style of plastic.

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